Annual Notifications
Required Annual Notifications
Child Find Special Education/Section 504
Concussions and Athletic Activities
COVID Safety Protocols and Expectations
District Policies and Administrative Guidelines
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) - Directory Information
Free and Reduced Meals
Immunization Requirements for Students
Interpreter/Translator Services
Pesticide Advisory
Staff Qualifications (Every Student Succeeds Act)
Students with Disabilities
Title IX
Video Surveillance and Electronic Monitoring
Asbestos Notification
In compliance with the parent/guardian and staff notification requirements specified in the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Asbestos Containing Materials in Schools: Final Rule and Notice, as directed by the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) of 1986, the following information regarding asbestos can be found in the AHERA Management Plan Book located in Maintenance Department:
Building Inspection
The Management Plan
The Response Actions
Periodic Surveillance Schedule
Re-inspection Schedule
Child Find Special Education / Section 504 Notification
Leland Public School and Northwest Education Services offers evaluations and services to individuals who are identified as having, or who are suspected of having, a disability as defined in either the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. These services are available to eligible persons ages 0-26 who reside within, or attend a K-12 school program the Leland Public School district attendance boundaries. Referrals are accepted from parents, staff members, community agencies, and other interested parties. For more information about available services, parent/student rights or referral procedures, contact the school Principal.
Concussions and Athletic Activities
Before a student athlete is allowed to practice he/she and their parent(s)/guardian(s) must review the Concussion Awareness Information and keep it in a location for future reference. After reviewing the information, the Concussion Awareness Acknowledgement Form must be completed using the FInal Forms online platform accessible on the school’s website. MHSAA Return to Activity/Post Concussion Consent Form will be used when a student-athlete is removed from an activity after exhibiting concussion symptoms.
COVID Safety Protocols and Expectations
As we continue to navigate through the COVID pandemic, safety procedures and protocols may need to be adjusted at any given time throughout the school year. Student expectations in following these protocols (i.e. masks, social distancing) will be communicated to students and families as necessary. Additionally, upon recommendation from the health department and/or physician, a student may be ineligible to attend school in person.
District Policies and Administrative Guidelines
Leland Public School has developed specific Board policies and administrative guidelines regarding student and staff behavior. Policies and guidelines cover virtually all areas of behavior including smoking, drugs, dress, weapons, sexual harassment and use of the internet. In addition, the student handbook contains a Code of Conduct that specifies the behavior expected of its students. The student’s handbook also provides a compilation of information that every student and parent should know. Copies of the handbook and all Board policies and administrative guidelines are available online at
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) - Directory Information
Per 34 C.F.R. § 99.37(d), a school or school district may adopt a limited directory information policy. If a school or school district does so, the directory information notice to parents and eligible students must specify the parties who may receive directory information and/or the purposes for which directory information may be disclosed.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a federal law, requires that Leland Public School, with certain exceptions, obtain your written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your child’s education records. However, Leland Public School may disclose appropriately designated “directory information” without written consent, unless you have advised Leland Public School to the contrary in accordance with procedures. The primary purpose of directory information is to allow Leland Public School to include information from your child’s education records in certain school publications. Examples include:
A playbill, showing your student’s role in a drama production;
The annual yearbook;
Honor roll or other recognition lists;
Advertising and/or social media;
Graduation programs; and
Sports activity sheets.
Directory information, which is information that is generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released, can also be disclosed to outside organizations without a parent’s prior written consent. Outside organizations include, but are not limited to, companies that manufacture class rings or publish yearbooks. In addition, two federal laws require local educational agencies (LEAs) receiving assistance under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended (ESEA) to provide military recruiters, upon request, with the following information – names, addresses and telephone listings – unless parents have advised the LEA that they do not want their student’s information disclosed without their prior written consent [These laws are Section 9528 of the ESEA (20 U.S.C. § 7908) and 10 U.S.C. § 503(c)].
Disclosure of "Directory Information"
Except as otherwise stated in Board Policy 8330 and Administrative Guideline 8330 (student records), school officials may disclose "directory information" without the prior written consent of a parent or eligible student unless the parent or eligible student specifically notifies the District that the parent or eligible student does not consent to the disclosure of directory information.
If you do not want Leland Public School to disclose any or all of the types of information designated below as directory information from your child’s education records without your prior written consent, you must notify Leland Public School in writing by the third Friday of October. The Board designates the following as directory information:
Student name and address
Parent name and address
Parent email address
Student & parent telephone numbers
Student’s date and place of birth
Student’s major field of study
Student’s participation in officially recognized activities and sports
Student-athletes’ height and weight
Dates of attendance
Date of graduation
Student honors, awards, degrees and scholarships earned
Student honor roll designations
Student grade placements
Photographs and videos of students participating in school activities, events or programs
Other information generally found in yearbooks
The Board further designates district-assigned student email addresses as directory information for the limited purposes of (1) facilitating the student’s participation in and access to online learning platforms and applications, and (2) inclusion in internal school and district email address books.
Free and Reduced Meals
Leland Public School is pleased to announce that all students can receive a free healthy breakfast and lunch each day as part of the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs for the 2021-2022 school year.
However, it is critical that ALL households complete the External LinkFree and Reduced-Price Meal Application. This information determines the amount of money our schools receive from a variety of State and Federal supplemental programs like Title I A, At-Risk (31a), Title II A, E-Rate, etc. These supplemental programs have the potential to offer supports and services for our students including, but not limited to:
Instructional supports (staff, supplies and materials, etc.)
Non-instructional services (counseling, social work, health services, etc.)
Professional learning for staff
Parent and community engagement supplies and activities
Complete the Free and Reduced Meal Application at: Family Portal (click on Families can also get a copy of the application in their school's main office. Please complete one form per family.
Please complete and submit the application as soon as possible to ensure that additional funding for our school is available to meet the needs of our students. All information on the application submitted is confidential. Without your assistance in completing and returning the application, our schools cannot maximize the use of available State and Federal funds.
Immunization Requirements for Students
The State of Michigan requires that all students be properly immunized pursuant to the provisions of the Michigan Department of Community Health and the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA). The State of Michigan also requires that all students be properly immunized at the time of registration or not later than the first day of school pursuant to those provisions. Before a child can be permitted to enter or attend school, parents/guardians must present documentation that a child has had the required doses of vaccine. Immunization requirements are to be in accordance with Board Policy 5320 and Administrative Guideline 5320. Board Policy reflects State Law. The only exception is if the parents/guardians submit a signed waiver of immunization. A licensed health care provider will certify that a medical contraindication exists and that a specific immunization is or may be detrimental to the student’s health. The County Health Department will issue a waiver for non-medical reasons.
Interpreter/Translator Services
Leland Public School will provide interpreter/translator services to parents/caregivers of students for a variety of school functions such as enrollment, IEPs, parent-teacher conferences, disciplinary actions, follow-up written communication, etc. To request an interpreter or translation, contact the building principal at 231-256-9857 or your student’s teacher. The school may use a tele-interpreter service to fulfill an immediate need or situation where an in-person interpreter is not available.
Pesticide Advisory
State of Michigan law requires that schools and daycare centers that may apply pesticides on school property must provide an annual notification to parents or guardians of students attending the facility.
Please be advised that Leland Public School utilizes an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach to control pests. IPM is a pest management system that utilizes all suitable techniques in a total pest management system with the intent of preventing pests from reaching unacceptable levels or to reduce an existing population to an acceptable level. Pest management techniques emphasize sanitation, pest exclusion, and biological controls. One of the objectives of using an IPM approach is to reduce or eliminate the need for chemical applications of pesticides. However, certain situations may require the need for pesticides to be utilized.
As required by State of Michigan law, Leland Public School will provide advance notice regarding the non-emergency application of a pesticide such as an insecticide, fungicide or herbicide, other than a bait or gel formulation, that is made to the school buildings or grounds. Advance notice will be provided, even during periods when not in session. Advance notice is not given for the use of sanitizers, germicides, disinfectants or anti-microbial cleaners. In certain emergencies, such as an infestation of stinging insects, pesticides may be applied without advance notice to prevent injury to students, but the school or daycare will provide notice following any such application.
Advance Notice of pesticide applications, other than a bait or gel formulation, will be given by at least two methods. The first method will be by posting at the main entrance to the school being treated. The second method will be by posting on the school’s website.
Please be advised that parents or guardians of children attending the school are entitled to receive advance notice of a pesticide application, other than a bait or gel formulation, by first class United States mail postmarked at least three days before the pesticide application, if they so request. If you prefer to receive the notification by first class mail, please contact the main office at 231-256-9857..
Please be advised that parents or guardians of children attending the school may review the school’s Integrated Pest Management program and records of any pesticide application upon request.
Staff Qualifications (Every Student Succeeds Act)
Under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), parents may request and Leland Public School will provide certain information about the professional qualifications of the student’s paraprofessionals and teachers, including whether the student is provided services by a paraprofessional, and if so, the paraprofessional’s qualifications; and whether the student’s teacher:
has met Michigan qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction;
is teaching under emergency or other provisional status by which Michigan qualification or licensing criteria has been waived; and
is teaching in the field of the teacher’s certification.
Parents may request and the Leland Public School will provide the parents on request (and in a timely manner), information about any State or district policy regarding student participation in any assessments required under the ESSA and by the State or local educational agency. Send inquiries to:
Superintendent Stephanie Long
Email Stephanie Long
Students with Disabilities
Leland Public School has developed specific Board policies and administrative guidelines regarding student and staff behavior. Policies and guidelines cover virtually all areas of behavior including smoking, drugs, dress, weapons, sexual harassment and use of the internet. In addition, the student handbook contains a Code of Conduct that specifies the behavior expected of its students. The student’s handbook also provides a compilation of information that every student and parent should know. Copies of the handbook and all Board policies and administrative guidelines are available online at
Title VI, IX , Section 504, Age Discrimination Act, and Title II Americans With Disabilities Act
The government has made legal provisions to ensure that no person is discriminated against on the basis of the protected classes of race, color, national origin, gender, sex (including sexual orientation or transgender identity), age (except as authorized by law), religion, height, weight, marital or family status, military status, ancestry, genetic information, or any other legally protected category, (collectively, “Protected Classes”) in its programs and activities, including employment opportunities. In order to protect these rights and assure compliance, Leland Public School has appointed the following employees as the Coordinators of Title VI, Title IX, Section 504, the Age Discrimination Act, and Title II:
Stephanie Long
200 N. Grand Avenue, PO Box 498
Leland, MI 49654
Email Stephanie Long
Inquiries concerning the application of, or grievances for, any of these regulations or concerns that the rights of an individual may have been violated should be directed to Stephanie Long
Further, Leland Public School has designated the following employees as Title IX Coordinator(s), Title IX Investigator(s), Title IX Decision Maker, and Title IX Appeals Officer:
Title IX Coordinator:
Stephanie Long, Superintendent
200 N. Grand Avenue, PO Box 498
Leland, MI 49654
Email Stephanie Long
Title IX Investigators:
Mike Hartigan or Dave Botbyl, Interim Principals
Ryan Knudsen, Athletic Director
Title IX Decision Makers:
Shawn Stowe, Business Manager
Tommy Hills, Technology Director
Title IX Appeals Officer:
Bill Robinson, Board of Education President
Any person who feels that the rights of an individual may have been violated in relationship to the provision of equal opportunity in any education programs, activities, or services may contact Stephanie Long
Note: Additional policies, guidelines and notifications can be found in the student/parent handbooks and on the External Linkboard policy webpage. Annual notifications can be found throughout the year on the district’s website.
Video Surveillance and Electronic Monitoring
Leland Public School utilizes video surveillance/electronic monitoring equipment to observe, monitor and/or record the behavior and activity of all persons on school property or grounds, or participating in school functions.