Principal's Message


Dear LPS families,

What a fun and silly week we’ve had here at school! We saw tons of holiday gear for Spirit Week, and even had some extra fun with a Secret Staff Spirit Week. Ask your students if they’ve noticed their teachers dressed up fancy, like a summer BBQ, casually, or as ninjas… what’s next for Friday?  

When we return in January, please note an additional half-day dismissal added to January 15th. This half day allows for some staff development in the afternoon, and has a special guest speaker for our 6th-12th grade students in the morning. Thanks for your help in making this day happen!

As we head into this holiday break, I wish you the best and merriest holiday season! Whether you’re traveling or staying put, I hope your time together is relaxing and filled with everything you need and love. 

As usual, please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions: or (231) 256-3802. 

Shelagh Fehrenbach, K-12 Principal