Principal's Message
Dear LPS families,
We are rapidly approaching Spring Break! This is our last long break of the school year, and the school year just flies by once we return. Whether your family is traveling or staying put, stay safe and healthy and enjoy your week!
When we return from Spring Break, students in many grades can expect to see spring testing begin in April. It is helpful for families to know when students are expected to show their learning on these assessments. The general schedule is posted below for secondary students. Elementary students will begin M-STEP for grades 3-5 towards the end of April, and NWEA for grades 1-5 in April/May.
There won’t be a Comet Weekly over Spring Break. See you when we return!
As usual, please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions: or (231) 256-3802.
Shelagh Fehrenbach, K-12 Principal